Hair Transplants

Hair Transplants

Small groups of hair follicles (mini-grafts) and individual hairs (micro-grafts) are cut from the back of the scalp and transplanted to recreate or enhance a natural looking hairline and provide hairs or increase density to the bald or balding areas of the scalp. Since the original location of the hair follicle determines its fate, the transplanted hairs grow as they would normally in their original location.

Modern technique, the use of large numbers of very small grafts, and new medications that to a certain extent slow down the balding process, have made hair transplants a very useful and cosmetically sucessful procedure.
While mega sessions (1000 - 2000 grafts per session) are appropriate for some patients, better results with less complications are often achieved with multiple (2 - 4) smaller sessions. During each of these sessions 400 to 700 grafts are done, with an interval of two to three weeks between sessions. Recovery time is four to five days. The average costs to restore a balding scalp ids $10,000 to $30,000. As with any procedure, complications such as infection and scarring can affect the final cosmetic result.