Thicken Your Hair NYC - (212) 644-9494 - New York, NY

Thicken Your Hair NYC - (212) 644-9494 - New York, NY
Healthy Hair Tthere are certainly things you can do to not "damage" your hair and those things are avoid harsh chemicals, avoid the chemicals that are often found in coloring agents, treat your hair gently and avoid traction ie pulling on the hair shafts by pulling the hair back, used soft gentle approach to brushing with wide tooth combs, do not over wash, do not over condition and do not over treat with hair products, sprays, and gels.
They are both safe and very effective in increasing the caliber of your hair and increasing the time it spends in the actively growing phase.
So, if you are concerned that a medical explanation might account for hair abnormalities, I would suggest following up with a dermatologist.
If you are not on blood thinners, don't smoke, and have sufficient density in the back of the scalp, you may benefit from moving those hairs to the front where the density is thinner.